Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter is an exciting and adventurous book series by J. K. Rowling.
J. K. Rowling has written 7 parts of this book series. This was the first one. I wish to read all the other six too.
This book is all about magic and witches and wizards. It is about a boy, a special person, who does not know how famous he is until he is invited to the famous magic school Hogwarts. It is described how he has fun in his first year at Hogwarts.My favourite character in this book was Harry, the hero. He was a very brave and courageous boy, ready to take any type of risk. Harry was always keen to know new things and so tried new experiments and experienced a lot of adventure, which was sometimes dangerous too.
Harry loved and always respected his friends which I found really good. I wish to get some of these qualities.
There were certain chapters and instances which I liked very much.
I liked the sorting ceremony done by the old sorting hat. I liked the song sung by the hat before sorting. The song was really funny and interesting.
I liked the incident in which Norbert the dragon was transported up to the roof and then sent to Charlie. That was really worth experiencing – packing a dragon and carrying it a long way to a rooftop.
Next, my favourite chapter was Ch. 16 – Through the trap door. It was adventurous, a bit scary and puzzling. The best part was that while playing chess, Ron, who was a soldier, sacrificed himself so that Harry could make them win in the next step. I also liked the puzzle which had to be solved to enter the door – this had seven bottles amongst which one had to be chosen.
Then next I liked Quiditch (game). It is really enjoyable to read this part while a real match is going on. We get excited, who gets the ball, who scores etc. We feel that we are a part of the audience. The best part was the way Lee Jordan was announcing continuously what was going on. It is like football in the air or basketball.
The author has written in such a way so that we get immersed in whatever situation is going on, so that we feel we are a part of this magical world.
There are parts which are really funny, some which are a bit serious or emotional.
I even liked Hagrid’s way of speaking. It was different and interesting e.g. ted (to), yeh (you).
Some new words I learned are : scruffs, flailing, unravelled, flanked, wafting.
I learnt many values from this book. E.g.
Sometimes we should learn to sacrifice some things to achieve something else like Ron did in the chess game.
To believe in ourselves and have confidence, like Harry believed in himself while playing Quiditch.
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